
 Ravers Only :: Interviews :: Alkivar << Back 
Name: Jon Cary
Age: 25
Hometown: Washington DC originally, Lewiston ME now
Most memorable performance: Played this outlaw in MA, cant remember the name was pretty crazy till it started raining and shorted out the system.
Personal Quote: If the music is too fast or too loud... your too old!


Question: What do you typically do after your set?
Answer: mingle with other djs, party kids, drink a red bull and get my groove on

Question: What do you typically do after the party?
Answer: Sleep, most parties i go to are a long way from home, gotta sleep before i try to drive a long ass way home.

Question: What kind of donuts do you like?
Answer: anything with chocolate or lemon filled powered ones

Question: What's your favorite drink?
Answer: Non Alcoholic: Sunkist orange soda Alcoholic: Red Bull + Vodka + Orange Juice (aka Red Screwdriver)

Question: What is your favorite thing to eat?
Answer: something spicy, probably mexican or chinese

Question: How many times have you gotten a girl on your guest list just to have sex with her?
Answer: never, i find that pretty damn pathetic. if you cant get the girl into the sack without bribing them it aint worth it.

Question: What kind of car do you drive?
Answer: this ghetto 91 Buick Skylark (hey at least it runs)

Question: If you could relate your life to any type of music, what would it be and why?
Answer: tough question, i think it would change depending on mood. If i'm angry either some metal/gabber... if in a cheerful mood some HHC... if sleepy some downtempo/goa. I havent found 1 style of music that overall can express the ups and downs i've had in my life.

Question: What type of process do you go through when selecting your music?
Answer: if i find my head bobbing involuntarily to the beat i definately leave the store with it, whether its a style of music i prefer to play or not. or if its one of those old obscure 80s tunes i remember from growin up i definately snag those.

Question: Where do you shop for your music?
Answer: Here there and everywhere, I found this chill little used records shop up in maine where i buy most of my 80s, and old comedy/kiddy music/sample stuff. The rest i mostly buy online at stores like Fat-Tunes.com or Phusionrecords.com (Fat-Tunes is goin outta bizness everythings like 50-60% off.)

Question: Besides spinning, have you produced or worked on any of your own material?
Answer: Yes but its not electronic ... i've produced/helped in producing some Rap and R&B stuff with my good friend DJ Daze from Sam I Am Productions.


Question: Aside from electronic, what other music do you enjoy listening to?
Answer: Everything from Classical & Opera to the occaisional Country Western/Bluegrass song to old speedmetal.

Question: What is your favorite CD?
Answer: wow this is a tough one... there are a few mixes i would list in my top 5 cds but its a tossup at which is my favorite... D-Minus - It Aint Easy Bein Cheezy Luna-C - Live @ Back To The Future (Oct 2001 in Nashua, NH) Virgil Lyon - Expedition 2000 (set from a party in Maine) Entropy - Ham & Cheesestep DJ Insanity - The Darkside Will Prevail (old skool/dnb from 94)

Question: What goals do you have as a DJ and have your reached them yet?
Answer: hrm, goals: educate the masses on the fact that "Happy" Hardcore isnt all cheesy. get booked in the UK (the home of hardcore). become a good enough turntablist to satisfy myself. #1 is being worked on, #2 aint happened yet, #3 probly will never happen as i'm too much of a perfectionist.

Question: If you could meet any one in the world (dead or alive) who would it be and why?
Answer: Socrates, to debate the meaning of life or Darwin and ask him why evolution skipped the ppl in the US Congress

Question: What are some things you would pass down to up and coming Dj's?
Answer: 1) practice practice practice and then practice some more... too many people, myself included, spun out before they were adequately prepared. 2) the secret to a good mix cd is to record everything you play that way your not more nervous when your recording, and it will flow more easily. 3) always be willing to try something different than whats out there whether its something crazy like mixing country and gabber or whatever people remember whats different.

Question: What was it that first drew you into the scene?
Answer: sad to say but when i got into the scene back around 92 it was the drugs first. things have really changed since then.

Question: What are some of your favorite tracks guaranteed to get the crowd moving?
Answer: Fabulous Faber - Hey Jude Its cheezy as hell and most hardcore djs are afraid to admit they own a copy but its always gaurenteed to get hardcore kids dancing I tend to play more obscure older anthems, or just something i really get a groove to, I've always felt that if I am feelin good, and playing music that I really enjoy, the kids on the dance floor will feel the way I do.


Question: What is the best part of the rave scene? (besides being the star of the show!)
Answer: Meeting new people, I dont think i've ever been to a party that I havent met at least 1 new person.

Question: Who has influenced you the most and why?
Answer: Stylistically, Phil Freeart proved to me that you can play whatever the hell you want. As long as you enjoy it you can get the crowd to feel it.

Question: What time of night do you like to perform and why?
Answer: doesnt matter to me, i'm usually at a party from open til close.

Question: How often do you go to raves or clubs just to party?
Answer: as often as possible, usually every weekend if theres something going on otherwise every couple weekends.

Question: What is the largest crowd you have performed for?
Answer: 200 kids

Question: What genre do you think gets the crowd moving the most?
Answer: trance brings the wannabe ravers out of the woodwork and none of them know how to dance, so probably anything but trance...

Question: Do you go with a set routine or go with the crowd?
Answer: depends on how long i have to prepare for a party. the less time i have the more likely it is to be completely on the fly.

Question: Do you have a nickname? If so, what is it, and how did you get it?
Answer: my raver nickname is Sunkist or The Big Tangerine since i'm 99% of the time dressed in orange.

Question: How has your music changed throughout the years?
Answer: it hasnt, i still play the same style, i just add the occaisional new track into the crate.

Question: How did you acquire your stage name?
Answer: had it since about 4th grade, if you want the story email me.

Question: What are the top 10 tracks in your record crate right now?
  1. Jason B - Nothing Is Forever - Happy Tunes 10
  2. Elevate - All I Need - The World of Obsession 8
  3. Donna Grassie - Stay Now (Jump-Up Mix) - Just Another Label 32
  4. Sy & Unknown - Dreadland ('99 Remix) - Quosh 22
  5. Euphony - Dancing In The Rain - UK Dance 16
  6. Red Alert & Mike Slammer - 4 AM (1995 Remix) - Question Mark 3
  7. Scott Brown & Gillian Tennant - Everytime I Close My Eyes - Evolution 40
  8. Paul Elstak - Don't Leave Me Alone
  9. Critical Mass - Burning Love (Tekno Dread Mix) - Jumpin Pumpin 41
  10. Das Modul - 1100101 Extended Mix - Pulp

Question: Do you have another job? If so what is it?
Answer: was a fulltime student, now searching for a computer job. if any of you are HR people email me for a resume ;)


Name: Alkivar
Styles: Happy Hardcore, Hard Trance, 80s New Wave, Old Skool
Affiliations: X-treme Productions, Sam I Am Productions, NE Hardcore, Fat-Tunes.com, ForTheRavers.com
Booking: 207.754.6894 // 207.786.8014
E-mail: Alkivar@yahoo.com
AIM: Alkivar
Web-Site: www.alkivar.com
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